¿algunavez tepreguntaste silasbancas podíanestar deotramanera?

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

new scientist: Sensosphere Ecologist Dream

HOLA LOREA and company, aquí está el artículo con el que te me comprometí (tantos años de tanto cashondeo!?)...
para la revista new scientist...

relena los huevos ke ta peteska (perdon, en serio: quize decir huekos, mi mare, cuando le das riend suelta al teclado, "te coge todo el brazo"... hacerlo y lo vereis de vuestros propios dedos: al final, si vives abriendote libremente a lo libre, tus dedos no te traicionan, te dicen (comprobado ya muchas veces) lo que tú quisiste ("inconsciente") decir

Porfa: no miréis este articulo como un articulo especializado

No trateis de entender ipsoflauto todo el, leerlo tranquis, releerlo, disfrutar con lo que se vaya comprendiendo e hilando...repetir aquello que agrade a vuestros oídos... enfin, digerir sabia, saboreada y disfrutonamente, y preguntar, qué releshe, to lo ke os apateska baleh? asias... uhmmm, con mucho caricia de la sensosfera...


Sensosphere Ecolgist Dream: new scientist

+ Agustín Antúnez Corrales
Associate profesor. Universidad de Málaga,
Member of I.S.M.A. - Iniciativas de Sostenibilidad, Medioambiente y Autogestión

+ Lorea Lahidalga.
BLA BLA BLA... Pontelo ponselo... Diplomada en CC Ambientales? Member of "G.M.M.d.M" (Gente más Marchosa del Multiverso)? jaja

Agustín and Lorea represent here both cultural axis in actual societies: Native digitals, and senior scientists. Classroom 2.0 have the ability to implement the correspondent increased reachness of interchanging knowledge and experience from both societal poles. Towards a University 2.0, actualy an autopoietic learning system, irradiating to and from actual societies, where again all multicultural knowledges are sharing academic spaces notwistanding their particular, temporal, and/or geographical cultural origins.

Twistling State of the Art: When Epistemology Went to your Body.

All the possible dificulties hereafter, in future any moments where you could be catched in doubts about all that "stuff" (mogollón!), think and sense in what it is following. When walking in out-of-noise space, among buildings, wistling (silbar!!!) is maybe the most symplectic infimonikal function for being aware of the actual awakening powers of Sensosphere, and of mokoptmoko server. Just you will be aware of that, as changing the place with your walking, imply also a change in the nature of the diferent building surfaces, where "your" twistling musical sounds echolocate (colocón!!!) ecolocon!!. And you will be pleasurely aware (and awakening too...) which do is the ecosystem, or "ecobrain" (el espacio concreto donde disfrutas de tus silbos y ecos), who do actualy is twistling (with, and within, you) , just all the heterogeneities, acoustic heterogeneities, in your wistling ecosystem, (sitos más solitos, mas confianza para hecr estas cosas! jojiju), are going, meanwhile your moving walking twistling, to modulate, in a semiauthomatical way, all the charaCteristics of """your""" twistling.


bY DEFAULT, the shortest way to amplify any possible confusing term or info, here or in our sharing webs, is a plain search via search engines in internet.

Magics of Gearry Poker
In that phantastic creativity emergence around Symbiodiversity, coming recently to Sensosphere, that concept means the process of feeding back among 1.0 and 2.0 worlds, for example among teachers-and-learners (and-learners-and-teachers: teach-learning). Gearry would be a young "APODO" (de momento no miro ni un diccionario, podeis aportar...) for Gaia, a fundamental theory from 20th century science, as an example of significative knowlledge that our cultural, patriarcal prejudices, have prevent their basic, and intuitive! acceptance by scientists. Poker because our science is as a game, a poietic, a poetic game.

Atlantid Kiss:
is the poetic approach, from a auto ethnographic (thus personal, subject) point of view, of my own experiences in many conceptual, but also geographical territories, which here are represent by MesoAmerica (Ixachilatlan, in Nahuatl language), Maroc, and Andaluzía... where most experiences have been developed.

SEGUIMOS : a ver que os parece......

OS QUIERO....JOJIJU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Correos subsiguiente a diversificadas personajerías.......jijiji

"La Ciencia del Placer Compartiendo"

Tú, Peazoh Curliégamoh!

Human Abilities in Echolocation - Can They Learn to Do it Better Through Use of Mirrored Neurons

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Humans may have echolocation abilities which are much better than once thought. There are always articles in science journals about deaf people who use this ability. It seems that when a person does not have all that visual data to process, it frees up much of the spatial reasoning areas of the brain, so it makes sense a person without vision would use this for something else.

But, what if others, those of us without visual impairments had the same abilities, only since we never practiced, we never needed to use them. Remember most folks who live in the first world have power and lights, or live in the city, and don't need to navigate in the dark. And studies show that if you blind fold people and talk to them, they inherently know the size of the room they were in? Why, or rather how you ask?

It appears to be an innate skill. What do I think of this? Well, I am glad you asked because, you know, I do very much believe that humans do have echolocation abilities due to my own observations, but with the advent of all this technology, have little use for it, and as such no place to practice it. But, I can say, that as a former runner, often at night, in the dark on trails, one becomes aware of much more.

Also one can easily walk through a dark house without bumping into things merely by making slight sounds. Perhaps, those cultures using click-languages might be better suited for this in Africa and Australian Outback. It seems the design of the human ear is shaped that way for a reason, I'd be doubtful it were by accident or merely to support its structural integrity so it can stick upward on the

Now then, what might be the best way to learn this skill or re-learn what you've been missing? Well, suggests my acquaintance in a round-about way, perhaps by watching others use echolocation, even another similar species, and in doing so perhaps humans could relearn echolocation techniques, because in watching and observing the activity, they would be triggering the dormant neuronal ability, and their mirrored neurons would fire them up?

Is this even possible, maybe? Most primates are VERY good imitators, unfortunately very few are good at original thinking. Humans = Primates. Just better at some things than the others, although as you go out into public you may shake your head, that humans are much smarter than the other primates - I do on a daily basis in fact.

Indeed, humans are probably capable of all the senses we see in other animals, such as echolocation, sonar, infrared, tetrachromacy, sense of being looked at, or even pre-cognition, thinking out of time, or observing out of location - some of which has been proven scientifically, but for some reason appears academia is having trouble understanding it so they call it pseudo-science.

It may be that human civilizations have indeed forgotten more than they've ever learned in the present period. But in the future it would seem with a little help from science they could get a boost backwards to go forwards in these abilities. I suppose thought swapping will be something in the near future 20-years or so. And in 75-100 years - assimilation of particles with the help of brain add-on features. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed today's topic.

I hereby dedicate this article to; Agustin Antunez Corrales of Spain, who runs an online network meeting place for genius level humans, with several websites which support his vision to unite human thinkers.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. http://www.WorldThinkTank.net - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow